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Superalloys are those nickel, iron and cobalt based corrosion and heat resistant alloys that are normally employed above temperature 540oC or1000oF. Iron based nickel superalloys are an extension of stainless steel technology and normally are melted and cast to electrode and ingot shapes for final fabrication to parts. The Nickel-iron based superalloys are wrought formed to … Continue reading Oxidation and Mechanical Behavior of Super alloys

Metals are crystalline in nature and in their solid form, the atoms of alloys or metals exhibit different crystallographic structures, usually cubic structures. Some crystal structures are linked with enhanced properties as compare to others. Moreover, crystalline group of atoms maintain orientation relationships. Consistent crystalline clusters are known as grains, and in an alloy, there … Continue reading Strengthening of Superalloys

Generally the FeCrAl heating Alloys have similar basic chemical composition of 20-25% chromium, 4.5 to 6% aluminum and remaining iron. Other elements are Yttrium and silicon. Properties of FeCrAl The FeCrAl alloys can be processed at temperatures up to 1250oC offering resistance temperature about 1300oC. They possess ferrite structure. Subsequent to fine processing of alloy at … Continue reading FeCrAl heating Alloy- Behavior in different atmospheres

In the Nichrome matrix chromium can be completely dissolved in nickel. The dissolution is highest at 47% in the eutectic temperature and reduces at concentration of 30% at room temperature. Various nickel-chrome alloys are based on this solution that offers superior resistance to elevated temperature oxidation and diverse corrosive media as well as excellent wear resistance. Oxidation … Continue reading Nickel-Chrome resistance alloys- High temperature Corrosion resistance

Sea Water operations need construction material to avoid corrosion due to hard conditions but it should be economical to buy. The alloys that have 6% molybdenum and super austenitic stainless steel are affordable but these couldn’t work in many of the corrosive conditions. Therefore, a Duplex stainless steel 2205 with excellent corrosion resistance as of UNS … Continue reading Duplex stainless steel 2205- Local corrosion resistance

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