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1.   When temperatures are above 1000oF or 540oC, general steel and titanium alloys are not much stronger for use. The steel materials may attain corrosion. 2.   When the maximum temperatures lower than melting temperatures are about 2200 to 2500of or 1204oC to 1371oC for several alloys should be obtained and strength is also essential, then nickel base … Continue reading Superalloy Properties and Facts

The superalloys are iron and nickel, nickel, nickel and cobalt base alloys that are normally made for service at temperature higher than 540oC or 1000oF and lower than melting point of alloys that is often at or above 1204oC or 2200oF. The superalloys are also used in the space applications where subzero and cryogenic temperatures … Continue reading High Temperature Nickel alloys Applications

Wrought Superalloys A wrought alloy normally starts from cast billets but is deformed and reheated several times to achieve the final stage. The wrought alloys are more uniform as compare to cast alloys that often have segregation due to solidification processing. The segregation is resulted by solidification of alloys but it may be more vigorous … Continue reading Comparison of Wrought and Cast Superalloys

Nickel based superalloys are widely utilized in the turbine engines of jet planes, marine and power plants. The application temperature of these alloys varies from 150oC to 1500oC. The high temperature strength of an alloy depends on the consistent austenitic matrix paired with solid solution hardening and / or precipitation strengthening. Essential properties of superalloys … Continue reading Properties of Nickel Based Superalloys required for industrial applications

Superalloy’s strengthening is needed for an aim of receiving the high temperature characteristics. It can be identified by either solid solution reinforcing or precipitation toughening. The creep resistance is an instance of interaction between various hardening mechanisms. In premature levels of creep the highest contributor to the creep resistance is the effects from solid solution … Continue reading Hardening of Superalloys

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