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Preface The pressure vessel design includes a variety of stresses- longitudinal and hoop stresses are developed by internal pressure, different bending stresses caused by bending moment, wind loads and seismic loads, compressive and tensile stresses because of dead weight of platform and vessel contents, peak stress by irregularities particularly in localized regions and stresses by … Continue reading Suitable materials for pressure vessels

Inconel 625 is known for its strength, outstanding fabrication, welding and excellent corrosion resistance properties. Prevention of corrosion of Inconel alloy 625 at the diverse temperatures and corrosive conditions is the basic need for its extensive acceptance in the chemical processing and other applications. This post shows the lab and field data about the resistance … Continue reading Corrosion behavior of Inconel 625

Seawater gas turbine engines A gas turbine engine blade is a specific component that develops the turbine section of a gas turbine engine. The blades receive energy from the elevated temperatures; a combustor releases gas at high temperature. The blades are usually a limited component of gas turbines. To operate in this severe condition, turbine … Continue reading Aero and marine engine turbine components

The corrosion nature of metals in marine water is influenced by natural factors related with specific marine conditions. The more crucial factors are temperature, dissolved oxygen, marine organisms and velocity. It is tough to isolate the effects of these factors in the nature seawater tests due to effect of the uncontrollable conditions for example weather, … Continue reading Useful Alloys for marine environments

Nickel based alloys show different types of corrosion resistance performance in the variety of application media. Following article shows the test results performed on the nickel alloys in the various service environments to determine which alloy is suitable in the specific media. Corrosion of superalloys

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