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Inconel 625 is a popular nickel based superalloy for its durability, fabricability, weldability and excellent corrosion resistance. Its supreme and versatile corrosion resistance under diverse temperature and corrosive conditions is the main reason for its wide acceptance in chemical and other plant applications. Inconel alloy 625 is an austenitic solid solution strengthened NiCrMo alloy that … Continue reading How does Inconel 625 perform in diverse corrosive environments

The new face of oil and gas discovery will be with deep wells, specifically in deepwater. As compared to shallow wells, deep wells normally need high performance nickel base alloys. Wells are classified as sweet or sour. Sweet wells are just mildly corrosive, whilst sour wells are extremely corrosive. Sour wells contain hydrogen sulfide, carbon … Continue reading Performance of high functional nickel based super alloys in sour oil and gas conditions

AISI 300 series Stainless Steel Many changes have been made with austenitic stainless steels. Stainless steel 300 series alloys with C: 0.08%, Cr: 16%, Ni: 8%, P: 0.045%, S : 0.04%, Mn: 2% and Si: 2% and with other permitted composition elements are solution heat treated and free for cold work to enhance their mechanical … Continue reading Which alloy is best to resist Sulfide stress cracking and Stress corrosion cracking?