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Acid solutions are widely used in chemical industry to eliminate mill scales from metallic surface. The inclusion of inhibitors suitable secures the metal against an acid corrosion. Usually acid inhibitors are organic compounds comprising of nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur. These compounds are adsorbed on the metallic surface blocking the active corrosion sites. Due to toxicity … Continue reading Corrosion behaviour of nickel and its alloys in HCl and its prevention by natural rosemary oil

The oil and gas plants often choose to configure stainless steel tubing in the instrumentation and sensor components in addition of chemicals, hydraulic lines, impulse lines and various utility applications for a broad range of temperature limits, pressure and flow values. It is found that stainless steel 316 tubing offers moderate corrosion resistance in the … Continue reading Pitting and crevice corrosion of materials in seawater

The duplex steels offer an excellent range of corrosion resistance in the diverse media. Following is the brief explanation of their resistance in the variety of application conditions. Uniform Corrosion: Uniform corrosion is featured by even attack on the steel surface that comes in contact of the attacking media. The prevention of corrosion is assumed … Continue reading Corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steels

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