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Nickel based alloys are used in a wide range of applications as corrosion resistant materials, heating element and also creep resistant materials. Other applications include construction materials. These alloys can create a security layer in some conditions to provide corrosion resistance. Although, they may be affected in environments comprising significant magnitudes of chloride or halide … Continue reading Effect of pH and temperature on crevice corrosion of nickel based alloys

Superalloys are those nickel, iron and cobalt based corrosion and heat resistant alloys that are normally employed above temperature 540oC or1000oF. Iron based nickel superalloys are an extension of stainless steel technology and normally are melted and cast to electrode and ingot shapes for final fabrication to parts. The Nickel-iron based superalloys are wrought formed to … Continue reading Oxidation and Mechanical Behavior of Super alloys

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