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The influence of hydrochloric acid concentration on the corrosion rates of Monel 400 and nickel in air-free and air-saturated solutions at 30oC. It will be noted that the corrosion rates of Monel 400 and nickel at room temperature are about the same 10% acid concentration. In this concentration limit, the corrosion rates of both materials … Continue reading Influence of different HCl concentrations on Monel 400 and Nickel

Nickel base super alloys for aerospace engineering are a special class of materials offering high strength at the elevated temperature limits. Nickel based alloys are suitable for use above 500oC in the corrosive and oxidizing media. Aircraft engine compressor, combustion chamber, turbine discs and blades that need high stress and high temperature tolerable properties, high … Continue reading Choose Aerospace Nickel base superalloys

Alloy Density ASTM/ BS/ DIN/SEW Features Nilo 36 8.2 Lower thermal expansion coefficient Nickel 201 8.89 B162 Pure metal for industrial use, excellent corrosion resistance, elevated temperature strength and small temperature hardness Monel 400 Nickel-Copper Alloy 8.83 B127/ NA13/ 2.4360 Extremely resistant to marine water, alkalis and fluoric acid Incoloy 825 8.14 NA16/2.4858 High quality … Continue reading Special alloys for demanding industries

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