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Chemical processing units are engaged in a battle against corrosion to ensure that processes operate safely and consistently. Corrosion vigorously affects different types of materials ranging from metals to even plastics. Various processes demand a variety of materials to secure the material from corrosion and its ensuing issues. Different types of corrosion- susceptible equipment, like … Continue reading High nickel alloys Inconel and Hastelloy bars for high temperature corrosion

However it is chemically categorized as a weaker acid than hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, some materials are extremely corrosive more than even hydrofluoric acid. Use of gold and platinum are fully resistant to corrosion in aqueous solutions. The engineering materials that are significantly used in hydrofluoric acid owe their corrosion resistance to the development of … Continue reading Corrosion resistance behaviour of Nickel alloys in hydrofluoric acid

The reason to the development of advanced chemical products and processes is the need for alloy materials that can offer enhanced mechanical characteristics, metallurgical stability and higher corrosion resistance in the severe media. The advanced high corrosion resistant alloys are made from nickel, molybdenum and chromium to prevent corrosion in the severe media in chemical, … Continue reading High Nickel containing Hastelloy grades corrosion performance

Following the US government study, every year hundred billion dollars are spent in the installation and maintenance of waste water treatment systems. These include metals withstanding chlorides, sulfates, hydrogen sulfide and bacteria in the municipal sewage or the extreme fluctuations in the composition of industrial waste water. Combining these chemicals with elevated temperature processes for … Continue reading Production of alloys for waste water treatment system has begun

Superalloys are heat resistant alloys containing Nickel, Nickel-Iron, Nickel-Cobalt or Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum that offer a great combination of mechanical strength and corrosion resistance properties. These are commonly utilized in gas turbines, coal conversion units, chemical process industries and for various specialized operations that need high resistance to heat and corrosion. The significant attribute of nickel based … Continue reading Nickel Based Alloys-Phases and Corrosion Resistance

The reason of development of Nickel based super-alloys is their need for use in applications that need excellent corrosion resistance at the temperatures varying from cryogenic to high limits. Chemical industry is also one of those sectors that widely use these alloys. corrosion resistant nickel alloys  

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