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Different allows show different behavior in dry HCl gas. Maximum corrosion limits of 0.075 and 0.50 mm/yare decided as design factors for specific components and these are conservative limits. For instance, during studies of 650 hours, mild corrosion rate of 0.25 mm/y at 590oC is noticed. In applications above the dew point, the presence of … Continue reading Corrosion resistance of Nickel and its alloys in hydrogen chloride applications

The aero engine industry is ever changing, with advanced materials and techniques being developed continuously to be able to meet the demands of industrial regulations. The engines are more silent and use less fuel, decreasing emissions and more. One of the more effective ways to reduce fuel consumption is to decrease the engine weight like … Continue reading Super alloys for high temperature components of jet engines

The microstructure of Inconel alloys is featured by multi-component morphology, essential for their specific characteristics. These alloys mainly comprise nickel, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt, boron, zirconium etc in strict concentration limits. The effect of chemical composition on the different properties of alloys as Inconel is discussed already several times. The relation between the microstructure of … Continue reading High strength Inconel alloy grades for aerospace and nuclear plant applications

Nickel based super alloys have extensive applications in the aerospace industry such as for diffusers, combustion chambers, shells of gas producers and in other equipments which are used in high temperature and pressure conditions. The microstructure of Inconel superalloy is featured by a multi-component, required for their specific properties. Essential elements present in these alloys … Continue reading Inconel wire 718 grade for high temperature jet engine applications

Chemical processing units are engaged in a battle against corrosion to ensure that processes operate safely and consistently. Corrosion vigorously affects different types of materials ranging from metals to even plastics. Various processes demand a variety of materials to secure the material from corrosion and its ensuing issues. Different types of corrosion- susceptible equipment, like … Continue reading High nickel alloys Inconel and Hastelloy bars for high temperature corrosion

Nickel based alloys are mainly known for their resistance to aqueous corrosion however they are also commonly used at the elevated temperatures when carbon and other low alloyed steels do not offer suitable corrosion resistance and strength. They are used in applications which demand high temperature oxidation resistance or elevated temperature strength. Construction material is … Continue reading High temperature Inconel alloys for heat and oxidation resistance

Hydrogen embrittlement is a commonly occurred problem that has been experienced for several years. Recently even new and unexpected type of hydrogen embrittlement problem is seen in aerospace industry. This type of corrosion occurs when an essentially hydrogen free material is mechanically evaluated in gaseous hydrogen. It is well agreed among investigators that molecular hydrogen … Continue reading Occurrence of Hydrogen Embrittlement and how to prevent it

The influence of hydrochloric acid concentration on the corrosion rates of Monel 400 and nickel in air-free and air-saturated solutions at 30oC. It will be noted that the corrosion rates of Monel 400 and nickel at room temperature are about the same 10% acid concentration. In this concentration limit, the corrosion rates of both materials … Continue reading Influence of different HCl concentrations on Monel 400 and Nickel

When it comes to inhibiting stress corrosion cracking, most of the nickel based alloys show superior performance when compared with the stainless steel grades, and it is mainly because nickel combines more extensively then iron. Apart from this, several materials can be added in desired percentages depending on the requirements of the application. While the … Continue reading How does Inconel 601 resist Stress Corrosion Cracking

Superalloys are those nickel, iron and cobalt based corrosion and heat resistant alloys that are normally employed above temperature 540oC or1000oF. Iron based nickel superalloys are an extension of stainless steel technology and normally are melted and cast to electrode and ingot shapes for final fabrication to parts. The Nickel-iron based superalloys are wrought formed to … Continue reading Oxidation and Mechanical Behavior of Super alloys