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Nickel base alloys are used in industries and processes for chlorinating organic compounds due to their resistance to chlorine. In vigorous corrosion conditions that occur during the production of chloromethanes, chloroform and other chlorine based materials, stainless steel pumps already failed after two cycles. Therefore these are replaced with high resistant Nickel base alloys such … Continue reading How to deal with high chlorine based industrial conditions

Arc Spray is a sub-category of arc spray process. It is a method metallization; this means depositing a layer of substrate metal over a surface in order to protect, decorate or add new properties to the surface. How is arc spraying performed? The metalizing wire which is also known as arc spray wire is used … Continue reading Why the use of nickel alloys is recommended as wire in arc spray process

The reason to the development of advanced chemical products and processes is the need for alloy materials that can offer enhanced mechanical characteristics, metallurgical stability and higher corrosion resistance in the severe media. The advanced high corrosion resistant alloys are made from nickel, molybdenum and chromium to prevent corrosion in the severe media in chemical, … Continue reading High Nickel containing Hastelloy grades corrosion performance

Oil and gas production in the offshore areas includes deep waters and intense water environments. For operation in such kind of environment, an equipment with good reliability and low maintenance cost is required. Carbon Dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are the main corrosive environments that are referred while choosing an alloy for marine and oil/gas applications. … Continue reading Special corrosion resistant alloys for oil and gas well industry

In the several industrial applications, a metal is exposed to high temperature air which results into their oxidation. In real, many metals burn when they are in hot state such as magnesium and titanium burn in the standard cases which cause severe fire in the processing units. Iron also catches fire. For a metal to … Continue reading Which Metals/Alloys are Oxidation Resistant?

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