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Inconel 718 is sensitive to stress corrosion cracking in hot waters, in caustic solutions and in hot chloride solutions, comprising of hydrogen sulfide or acids. Many stress corrosion cracking studies performed for the aerospace plants are not relevant to the oil and gas plant applications of the specificity of conditions needed for stress corrosion cracking. … Continue reading Evaluation of Stress Corrosion cracking of Inconel 718 in oil and gas field

Due to its property to resist corrosion, Nickel is specifically useful for maintaining product purity in handling foods, synthetic fibers, caustic alkalies and in structural applications that critically demand corrosion resistance. Nickel is a general purpose metal. The common applications of Nickel 200 are food processing system, chemical shipping drums, electrical and electronic components, aerospace … Continue reading Applications of Corrosion resistant Nickel based alloys

Inconel alloy 718 was discovered in 1980s for downhole apparatus.  The need for meeting high pressure gas wells demands a high strength alloy with excellent corrosion resistance to gas containing high carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide for completion apparatus. The superalloys like Hastelloy C-276 were available and provided outstanding corrosion resistance to the anticipated fluids. … Continue reading Inconel Alloy 718 for oil and gas industry

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