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The strength level in age hardened materials is becoming widely important, specifically for offshore applications that are exploiting high pressure deep well reserves, where weight factors can significantly affect the economic feasibility of the project. The material selection for down hole and wellhead equipment like hangers, sub surface safety valves, pumps etc should be made … Continue reading Inconel alloys for application in offshore plant conditions for economical service

The new face of oil and gas discovery will be with deep wells, specifically in deepwater. As compared to shallow wells, deep wells normally need high performance nickel base alloys. Wells are classified as sweet or sour. Sweet wells are just mildly corrosive, whilst sour wells are extremely corrosive. Sour wells contain hydrogen sulfide, carbon … Continue reading Performance of high functional nickel based super alloys in sour oil and gas conditions

Inconel 625 is known for its strength, outstanding fabrication, welding and excellent corrosion resistance properties. Prevention of corrosion of Inconel alloy 625 at the diverse temperatures and corrosive conditions is the basic need for its extensive acceptance in the chemical processing and other applications. This post shows the lab and field data about the resistance … Continue reading Corrosion behavior of Inconel 625

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