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Inconel 600 is available in various forms including bars, wires, ropes & strands. Inconel 600 wire is of various types such as Round wire, Shaped wire and Flat wire. Inconel 600 is widely used in applications in chemical processing, nuclear engineering, furnace components, food processing, aerospace, thermal processing and many more. Inconel 600 is a … Continue reading Inconel 600 wire- Highly corrosion resistant alloy at high temperatures

A super alloy is designed for high temperature services where extreme mechanical stressing occurs and high surface stability is usually needed. High temperature deformation of Nickel base super alloys is crucial as the blades and discs of aero engine turbine, need to function at high temperature for a long period. Nickel base alloy Inconel 718 … Continue reading Superalloy Inconel 718 for high temperature industrial applications

Duplex Stainless Steel- Austenitic Ferritic stainless steels were initially made for use in the paper plants to prevent corrosion problems due to chloride bearing cooling water and other aggressive chemical process fluids. Containing high concentration of chromium, nitrogen, and molybdenum, these steel materials provide supreme resistance to localized and uniform corrosion. Their duplex structure introduces … Continue reading Which alloys can be used in gas extraction and purification plants?

In the several industrial applications, a metal is exposed to high temperature air which results into their oxidation. In real, many metals burn when they are in hot state such as magnesium and titanium burn in the standard cases which cause severe fire in the processing units. Iron also catches fire. For a metal to … Continue reading Which Metals/Alloys are Oxidation Resistant?

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